GWS Service


From the home base in Nieuwkuijk GWS offers its services to printers in the Benelux area. Our team of service and maintenance engineers is specialized in a wide variety of presses, irrespective of brand and model. In cooperation with the colleagues of manroland Goss Benelux, also based in Nieuwkuijk, we offer a wide range of specialists for all of your service requests related to web offset equipment, ancillary equipment and packaging equipment.

GWS ServiceFor all of your service or maintenance inquiries please contact:

Richard van Bezouw

Service Manager
  +31 6 148 123 78


Eric van Kessel

Area Sales Executive manroland Goss Benelux
  +31 88 497 77 00

  NEWS: KBA C32 LED-UV press up and running at German quality printer Schaffrath

The management of German printer Schaffrath have announced that the KBA C32 commercial press, which was acquired last year through GWS Printing Systems, has now been taken into successful production. Schaffrath’s CEO Alexander Hornen highlights the unique concept behind this press. Based upon the companies strong belief that production based upon LED-UV curing will be the new way forward the KBA press system has been equipped with LED-UV curing technology replacing the traditional gas dryer. According to Alexander Hornen this suits the company’s future strategy to fulfill the highest standards when it comes to offering a sustainable high quality printed product. > more

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